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宝鸡地区食管癌手术患者分布特征分析 陈瑜 陕西省宝鸡市人民医院胸外肿瘤外科,陕西,宝鸡 721000 作者简介:陈瑜(1973-),男,陕西宝鸡人,主治医师,主要从事胸部肿瘤的临床诊治工作。E-mail:chenyu1973@126.com 摘要:目的 分析经病理确诊食管癌患者的临床资料,以探讨宝鸡地区食管癌病例的特点。方法 收集宝鸡市人民医院2002年2月~2008年2月间经病理学确诊并行外科手术的食管癌患者的病历资料,并进行回顾性分析。结果 (1)食管癌好发于55~70岁,男性多见占91.0%;(2)发病部位好发于食管中段,占51.3%;(3)细胞分型鳞癌多见,占67.3%,腺癌占25.6%;(4)肿瘤分化程度上中分化多见,占76.9%;(5)约70%的病例中伴有淋巴结转移。结论:宝鸡地区食管癌多见于中老年男性,好发于食管中段,病理分期以中晚期为主,病理类型多为鳞癌,但腺癌有增加的趋势。该研究为本地区食管癌的防治提供参考。 关键词:食管癌;发病特征;肿瘤防治 Characteristics analysis of esophageal cancer patients in Baoji Chen Yu Department of Thoracic Oncology Surgery, Baoji People’s Hospital, Baoji, Shannxi 721000, China. 【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the characteristics of pathologically confirmed esophageal cancer patients by analyzing the clinical data. Methods: Clinical data was collected from medical records of 156 esophageal cancer patients in Baoji Hospital from 2002 to 2008. Retrospective analysis was performed to analysis clinic characteristics of these patients. Results: (1) 91.0% of esophageal cancer occured in males with age from 55 to 70-year-old; (2) About 53.1 percent of carcinoma developed in the median esophagus; (3) Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common type of esophageal cancer, accounting for 67.3% of all cases and adenocarcinoma accounting for 25.6%; (4) The moderately differentiated tumor accounted for 76.9%; (5) The rate of cases with lymph node metastasis was about 70%. Conclusions: Middle or old-aged people were with high risk to get esophageal cancer in Baoji. Most esophageal cancer occurred in middle section of the esophagus with advanced pathological staging. Pathological type was more common in squamous cell carcinoma and moderately differentiated, but adenocarcinoma has increased. This study provided a reference for the esophageal cancer prevention and control in Baoji and Western China. 【Key words】Esophageal cancer; characteristics of patients; cancer prevention 手术治疗是食管癌治疗的首选方法,总结某一地区术后患者资料,可揭示该地区食管癌的发病特点及手术治疗特点,为疾病防治起指导作用。现将结果报告如下。 1 资料与方法 收集宝