
发布时间:2024-05-27 09:44


华山古称“西岳”,为中国著名的五岳之一,中华文明的发祥地,南接秦岭,北瞰黄渭,自古以来就有“奇险天下第一山”的美称。华山是中华民族的圣山。华山共有72个半悬空洞,道观20余座,其中玉泉院、都龙庙、东道院、镇岳宫被列为全国重点道教宫观,有陈抟、郝大通、贺元希等著名的道教高人。 1982年,华山被国务院颁布为首批国家级风景名胜区;1991年,华山被国家旅游局评为四十佳旅游胜地之一; 2011年,华山被国家旅游局评为国家AAAAA级旅游景区。2017年6月29日,华山荣膺“2017中国最受欢迎旅游景区”殊荣。 华山是神州九大观日处之一,观日处位于华山东峰(亦称朝阳峰),朝阳台为最佳地点。

【英文介绍/For English】:

Huashan was called "Xiyue" in ancient times. It is one of the five famous mountains in China and the birthplace of Chinese civilization. Huashan is the holy mountain of the Chinese nation. Huashan has a total of 72 semi-suspended caves and more than 20 Taoist temples. Among them, Yuquanyuan, Dulong Temple, Dongdaoyuan, and Zhenyue Palace are listed as national key Taoist temples. There are famous Taoist temples such as Chen Tuan, Hao Datong, and He Yuanxi. tall man. In 1982, Huashan was promulgated by the State Council as the first batch of national scenic spots; in 1991, Huashan was rated as one of the forty best tourist attractions by the National Tourism Administration; in 2011, Huashan was rated as a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction by the National Tourism Administration. On June 29, 2017, Huashan won the honor of "2017 China's Most Popular Tourist Attraction". Huashan is one of the nine sun-watching places in Shenzhou. The sun-watching place is located on Huashan East Peak (also known as Chaoyang Peak), and the Chaoyang balcony is the best place.