《 史记·高祖本纪》记载:项羽自封为西楚霸王后,就向各诸侯分封领地,其中把巴、蜀、汉中三郡分封给刘邦,立为汉王。刘邦在去领地途中令部下烧毁了栈道,他这是向项羽表白没有向东扩张的意图。刘邦待具备了一定的实力后,便抓住时机迅速挥师东进,其野心是要与项羽一争,韩信出了"明修栈道,暗度陈仓"的计策。
【英文介绍/For English】:
Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang means to hide the real intention behind the superficial actions, confuse the opponent with obvious actions, make the enemy have illusions, and ignore one's true intentions, so as to win by surprise.
"Historical Records Gaozu Benji" records: After Xiang Yu proclaimed himself the overlord of Western Chu, he divided the territories among the princes, among which the three counties of Ba, Shu, and Hanzhong were enfeoffed to Liu Bang, and he became the king of Han. On the way to the territory, Liu Bang ordered his subordinates to burn down the plank road. This was to confess to Xiang Yu that he had no intention of expanding eastward. After Liu Bang had a certain strength, he seized the opportunity to quickly move eastward. His ambition was to compete with Xiang Yu. Han Xin came up with a strategy of "building the plank road in the open, and keeping the warehouse in the dark".